

Hi , im a student from The One Academy.
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media & cultural studies

Friday, December 5, 2014

In this blogpost will extend the study of sociability and usability that developed by Jenny Preece. There is a very useful and helpful guidelines and check list for usability and sociability where provides a better understanding the purpose. 

Check list for usability and sociality online communities

Why should I join this community?

Dose the community have a clear and meaningful
name? Is there a clear description of the
community’s purpose? Is the content attractively
presented (design – colour, graphics,etc.)? Will the site be updated regular?

 What title and content will communicate the
community’s purpose effectively and attract

 How do I join or leave?

Are the instructions for registering clear-cut?
Is it a short procedure? Is there a statement
ensuring privacy and confi dentiality?

Should this be an open or closed community?
How sensitive are the issues and participants?
Do we want to control who joins?

 What are the rules?

Are policies clearly and concisely worded, and
appropriately positioned? 

What policies are needed? Should a moderator
guide and enforce rules? Do we need disclaimers
or other statements of intent?

  How do I read and send messages?

Has appropriate support been defi ned and provided
(e.g., templates, emotions, FAQs, single
messages or digests for list server, etc,)? 

 Is support needed for newcomers? Should the
system facilitate sending private and group


Can I do what I want easily?

What capabilities will best meet communication
needs (e.g., different formats for information,
such as Web pages, FAQs, content variation;
search facilities, effective help at the appropriate
level; private communication, etc.)? 

 What is the best way to ensure that the community
is a congenial place, one where people
can do what they want to do? What are the
communication needs of the community?

  Is the community safe?

What are the best ways to protect personal
information, secure transaction processing,
support private discursion, and protect members
from aggressive behaviour? 

Will the community need a moderator to ensure
appropriate behaviour? What level of
confi dentiality and security is needed? 

Can I express myself as I wish?

Will users need, want, or expect emoticons,
content icons, a seamless link to private email,
Web pages, and so on? 
 What kind of communication capabilities does
a community with this purpose require and
how should they be supported?

Why should I come back?

How often and by what method should content
be changed (e. g. news, broadcast, provocateur
to stimulate discussion, etc.)?

 What will entice people to return on a regular


Preece, J. (2000). Online communities Designing Usability, Supporting Sociability. New York: John Wiley & Sons, pp.291-292.


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1.Proposal Feedback. 2.Ethical Research UH . 3.IRE. 4.Facebook Page. 5.Lit review 1. 6.Lit review 2. 7.Lit review 3. 8.Lit review 4. 9.Guidelines. 10.WeakTies.
Topics 2013

1.Brainstorming. 2.Ads Concept. 3.Analysis 1 . 4.Sign in relation . 5.Sign of human . 6.intertextuality . 7.YES broadband. 8.logo parodies. 9.Language-Digi tvc. 10.casestudy-AOD. 11.YES more. 12.Consultation. 13.Lat style. 14.Telco Ad. 15.PhotoHunt.
Topics 2012

1.Definition. 2.T and R . 3.Semiotic. 4.Intertextuality. 5.Mcluhan's theory. 6. GangNam Style. 7. Mea-Art. 8. TingTingCandy. 9. What's real?. 10.StepUprevolution.

June. Leon. Jez. Joshua. Kelvin. Han. Kyle. Kristy. ChiCheng. Steven. EvonYap. AngelaOng. CarmenLee. CharisaOng. EsteeNg. Bernadusgerry. JeremyPun. MelissaKoh. ShireenPeh. SueMin. GiinYaw. WilsonFoo.
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